How to introduce "reason", "cause"

REASON/CAUSE CLAUSE a) Theory b) Exercises c) Key a) Theory : Here you have examples with the most common words (or group of words) to introduce clauses of reason. They are in blue italics, while in brown you will see the structure. “S” stands for the “subject” of the clause, “V” stands for the “verb”; “ing-verb” means gerund “playing/running/etc., which also makes a clause Note I : where we say “possessive”, in more informal English an objective form (me/him/us/them) or the name without genitive (Peter’s → Peter) is used. Note II : remember a clause is “ a group of words that includes a subject and a verb, and forms a sentence or part of a sentence” (from Oxford Learner’s Dictionary ). Because The baby crawled because he couldn’t walk. = because + S + V Since Since he couldn’t walk, th...