SPANISH SUBJUNCTIVE IN ENGLISH Let me give you some good news: “In English there are no subjunctive verb forms, almost”, which means you won’t have to learn special verb forms. Now let me give you some very bad news: “In English there is subjunctive, as a content”. This is terrible news, because it means that there is the content (order, suggestion, wish, etc.) but not a specific form for that content. So, what do the English do then? They do not express their orders, suggestions, wishes? Of course they do, but to do it they have to resort to verbal forms that are also used to express other “things”, other type of ideas, contents; in other words, to express subjunctive, in general, they use verbal forms used to express “facts” (indicative). And here lies the mess, the drama, the tragedy. Even in C1 (advanced) you can catch people happily matching a Spanish subjunctive with an English verb form; and so it happens that while reading a beautiful piece of writing sudden...