First book ever published; long ago, back in 1988, when the teacher had a different oulook on life, and death, which is the same. As to this point, lots of influence of Plato (the two worlds, you know) and John Dunne (not "Donne", the English poet) and his Serial Time Theory, which had such an influence on Priestley (English playright; you can't miss him: police drama). In those days, the main poetic influence was Italian: the hermetismo and the crepusculares; mainly Ungaretti and Montale. The little book was lucky and awarded a prize by a breathtaking jury. It can be found at a click http://www.amazon.es/DESDE-ALBA-Diego-Nieto-Marc%C3%B3-ebook/dp/B00ISSAAHE/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1394616242&sr=1-3&keywords=diego+a.+nieto+marc%C3%B3 Notice what's happened with the stress on "Marcó's "o": It is not "Marco" (the name of an infamous politician some decades ago), but "Marcó". Let me give as example one...