
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2014

B2 - C1 e-mails in

B2 - C1 e-mails B2 & C1 Your e-mails To Make my job a bit easier, allow me to ask you once more to send me the material, both “Essays” and “Speaking Session Material, stating clearly the content in the subject (asunto). ESSAYS : Your course – your group (if more than one) – That is “Essayº and one word title” Examples:  For B2 (quinto)                                                             course     type writing    title main word                                                                                   ↓         ↓       ...


MALAGUEÑO BOOKS    Estas son publicaciones de alumnos y/o profesores de inglés niveles C1 y B2 en cualquier idioma.  Para quien pueda interesar. En orden alfabético. CONTENTS 1.           Chamizo Moreno, Martín Luis (Music) 2.           Nieto Marcó, Diego A. (Novel in Spanish) 3.      Pardo Milanés, Alberto (Mathematics) 4.           Rodríguez Rico, Juan Antonio (Education) 5.           Vadillo, Eneko (music) If you want your stuff to be advertised here, just speak to your teacher.  Needless to say it is absolutely free.                 JUST INCLUDED: MUSIC              ENEKO VADILLO'S  Elliot Goldenthal's Final Fantasy:  A Discussion on Mixed Harm...


what to read Many times I’ve been asked what to read. The question is much more difficult to answer than it may seem, for if one suggests a book the inquirer enjoys , it’s great, but if one suggests a book the inquirer does not enjoy , the result will be a reader lost for life. Fortunately for him/her, the inquirer will go on living happily believing that books were not made for him/her, and that’s all. The main point to take into account is that reading must be a pleasure. If you drag through the pages of a book, if you struggle forward along each line of letters (who the hell has invented them, letters?), and if finally you sigh in relief when you close the torturing covers and put it away, as away as possible, it will mean not that you do not like reading, it will simply mean that you were reading the wrong book for you. And it is you, and only you, who can find the right book. Secondly, whatever the type of book we are considering (geography, ...