scary errors

Some common errors in writing (and speaking) that I’ve noticed and you must get rid of (if necessary, others will be added) Probably because neglected in lower courses (who knows why!!), the following points are some of the common errors students drag up to B2 and C1, and, unless we do something about it, they’ll drag them up into C2 (if we ever have C2 in this Escuela). Any of them, as you’ll see below, could spoil a writing. H aving this information will not help you when speaking (unless you practise repeating different examples ), but at least you’ll have your chance when it comes to writing. (Let me remind you here that I’m still used to the British spelling of the verb “practise”, and the noun “practice”, and no spell-checker will make me change it). CONTENTS: · another – other – others · “find” or “find out” · ...