MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THIS OTHERWISE YOU MAY HAVE PROBLEMS WITH "WRITING" PUNCTUATION Extract from: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Hornby, A.S., Oxfor University Press, 1986 Edition. Full Stop (US = Period) Used to mark the end of a sentence: · Edward walked briskly into the hotel. The receptionist looked at him coldly. Also see Letters and Abbreviations below. Question Mark 1. Used at the end of a direct question: · Who was the first to arrive? (Note. It is not used at the end of an indirect question: He asked who had been the first to arrive.) 2. Used in parentheses to express doubt: · He was born in 1550(?) and died in 1613. Exclamation Mark (US also Exclamation Point) Used at the end of a sentence or remark expressing a high degre...